Before 1980 there was no organization dedicated to represent analytical personnel in law enforcement. To fill this need, a small group of professional intelligence analysts and managers held their first official meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana in October 1981. The created what is known as the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS, INC (IALEIA).

These first members represented Local, State/Provincial and Federal law enforcement agencies located in Canada and the United States. Today, IALEIA’s membership now includes members from all over the world. These members are united for the purpose of promoting standards of excellence in law enforcement analysis by enhancing the mutual exchange of ideas, supporting analytical standards and providing training.

From the original twenty members, IALEIA’s membership has grown to almost 2000 from more than fifty countries on six continents. Members include analysts, detectives, intelligence officers, special agents, law enforcement executives, military personnel, students and corporate fraud and security practitioners.

IALEIA is the largest professional organization in the world representing law enforcement analysts. IALEIA is managed by an International Board of directors consisting of nine elected IALEIA members. Several board members are also supported by volunteer committees. IALEIA also has an executive advisory board appointed by the president. IALEIA supports regional chapters throughout the world. IALEIA has a certification program for analysts, a code of ethics, and bylaws that provide structure for the organization. We represent law enforcement analysts in a variety of venues, and provide a community by establishing regional chapters.

The purpose of IALEIA is to advance high standards of professionalism in law enforcement intelligence analysis at the local, national and international levels. Our aim is to enhance understanding of the role of analysis, encourage the recognition of intelligence analysis as a professional endeavour, develop international qualification and competency standards, reinforce professional concepts, devise training standards, furnish advisory and related services on intelligence analysis matters and conduct analytic related research studies.

IALEIA Jamaica Chapter

Founded in 2011 with ten (10) members, the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) Jamaica Chapter was officially established under the influence and stewardship of British High Commission Consultant Mr. Philip Powell, the Chapter's Immediate Past President.

Following in the footsteps of IALEIA International, the Chapter aimed to become a forum for discussion of techniques and methods for Jamaica analysts, with a primary focus on national security and law enforcement analysis. The Chapter also aimed to provide a forum for Guest Speakers to address and educate Members on a wide range of topics relating to intelligence and analysis.

The Jamaica Chapter was the second Caribbean nation to have a local IALEIA Chapter, the first being in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Chapter had its debut at the first Regional Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Conference (RELACC) held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel from March 22-23, 2011. The Conference Objectives were to share experiences on the status of law enforcement anti-corruption initiatives in the region and to collaborate regionally to tackle corruption.

Participating entities in the Conference were the United States Agency for International Development, the United Nations Development Programme, the Organization of American States, CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security, Embassies and High Commissions based in Jamaica, the University of the West Indies, the Ministry of National Security, the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Regional Security System, Regional Chiefs of Police, Regional Military Chiefs of Staff and CARICOM Law Enforcement Agencies. The Conference led to the drafting of the Guidelines for the Regional Collaboration on Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption.

From 2011-2015, the Jamaica Chapter has had four delegations attending the annual International IALEIA Conferences where Analysts were extensively trained and exposed to international networking opportunities. The knowledge gained has been used to train other locally based Analysts to better accomplish organizational objectives.

The Chapter continues to grow from strength to strength with growing numbers of trained and qualified Analysts and Analyst Trainers.

In 2014 Major Dave Anderson, an IALEIA Member and Adviser at the Ministry of National Security in Jamaica, was given the responsibility by the Ministry of National Security to develop Jamaica's Analysts and analytical resources. His efforts resulted in the Ministry of National Security partnering towards the development of the Chapter. There are presently over seventy (70) Analysts registered with the Chapter.

It is the long term objective of the Chapter to ensure that all Analysts in Jamaica are adequately trained and IALEIA certified.